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Evaluations of innovating justice programmes

Evaluations of innovating justice programmes

What we did

Between 2018 and 2022, MDF conducted three evaluations for the Hague Institute for Innovation of Law (HiiL). This is an international non-profit  that helps justice practitioners build solutions, which allow people to resolve or prevent their justice problems.  

What type of programme did we evaluate?

  • Partners: Swedish Agency for International Development and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Aim and sector: ensuring justice provision is easy to access, easy to understand, and effective.
  • Region and target group; governments, justice users and innovators in Bangladesh, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Nigeria, Ukraine and Uganda.

The impact

What made our evaluation meaningful?

MDF made the evaluations theory-based and participatory. We used mixed methods to collect quality data on project performance according to the DAC criteria. We conducted data analysis using triangulation. The client appreciated the outstanding collaboration and swift delivery of the external evaluations.

How is it impactful?

The HiiL team used the evaluation report to further improve programme design and implementation. That MDF’s recommendations were impactful has been verified in the consecutive evaluations; recommendations were taken up and insights used to improve the programmes HiiL delivered.

For general information

The Netherlands