In an effort to strengthen organisational efficiency and impact, MDF has collaborated with the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat (UfMS). The UfMS, dedicated to fostering regional cooperation among Mediterranean countries across various policy domains, embarked on an exciting learning trajectory. The main goal? To enhance the implementation of Results-Based Management (RBM) and Monitoring , Evaluation and Learning (MEL) practices within the Secretariat in relation to the Sida-UfMS Cooperation Programme 2022-2025, funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida).
The task at hand is to tie together the different divisions of the Secretariat for a common understanding and implementation of the RBM-MEL approach. Another aim is to ensure that the Secretariat’s yearly work-programmes are geared clearly towards presenting the impact of the Secretariat activities in the region.
To address these matters, MDF is providing tailored training, online coaching and MEL tool development support in a holistic approach that seeks to equip Secretariat members with the required skills to apply RBM-MEL effectively.
The project started in December 2023, when a detailed inception plan was drafted to guide the training and advisory work by MDF. Recent activities include an intensive two-day in-person training session in Barcelona, Spain, where the UfMS is based. Further engagements are planned for June.
This extensive learning trajectory programme is set to continue until mid-2026. In the course of the collaboration, the UfMS objective is to (i) increase the efficiency in operations, with staff of the Secretariat understanding and applying RBM-MEL in a sustainable manner, (ii) draft an institutional development plan based on the RBM approach, and (iii) high-quality results focused on Sida accountability.