Our office in Bangladesh has played diverse roles, including learning facilitation, partnership management, and evaluation, since its opening in November 2014. The office was established to strengthen local presence and better serve clients in the region, becoming a hub of development in Bangladesh.

"Having a physical office demonstrates commitment and establishes a local presence. Face-to-face communication with clients and partners becomes easier," says Khadija Bagum, a finance and administration team member who has been with MDF Bangladesh since its inception.

Strengthening local capacity and delivering impactful projects

The Bangladesh office operates with a committed team of nine, including a country director, senior trainers, and consultants. Together, they have made remarkable strides in strengthening local capacity and delivering impactful projects.

Among its significant achievements, the office successfully implemented a €900,000 Nuffic TMT+ project, completed seven OKP projects totalling €75,000, and managed a four-year framework contract supporting 18 partners. The team has also trained 400 UNICEF master trainers, conducted major evaluations for MJF Charitable Foundation, and secured a three-year framework with NCG, reinforcing MDF's presence and impact throughout the country.

MDF Bangladesh team with training participants.
MDF Bangladesh team with training participants.

MDF Bangladesh team conducting a training session.
MDF Bangladesh team conducting a training session.

Building relationships and understanding community needs

Like all our eight offices, MDF Bangladesh is defined by its ability to blend local presence with international quality standards. Known for its sustainable and growth-oriented approach, the team engages with the local community through various development initiatives, ensuring that every project contributes to a lasting and positive impact in Bangladesh.

MDF Asia team meeting in Bangladesh
MDF Asia team meeting in Bangladesh, 2019.

"Being part of the local culture helps us connect better with people and really understand what our clients need. Having a local office means we can build those relationships more naturally,” explains Khadija Bagum.

May our dedication and passion continue to inspire and make a difference

As MDF celebrates its 40th anniversary, the Bangladesh office looks forward to expanding as a sustainable national entity. It also aims to further its role as a significant force in local development. The team wishes for continued growth and lasting impact in the years to come.

"Happy 40th anniversary to MDF Global! Here’s to four decades of success and many more to come. May our dedication and passion continue to inspire and make a difference. Cheers!"