Following the successful implementation of the Women-Led MSMEs project in Central Java, Indonesia, MDF Training and Consultancy remains committed to fostering positive change and empowering women entrepreneurs.

In January 2024, the Canadian Trade and Investment Facility for Development (CTIF) commissioned MDF Training & Consultancy to implement a groundbreaking project: "Building the Capacity of Women Business Development Coaches in Sri Lanka," in partnership with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC). To help in the recovery of recent economic challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, including reduced tourism and remittances, this initiative aligns with Sri Lanka's goals of export promotion, ease of business, and women's empowerment.

Despite existing programs and organizations supporting women's entrepreneurship, the majority of trainers, business coaches, and business services are male dominated. This project addresses this gender disparity by training a dedicated pool of women business coaches. With a focus on ecommerce, digital marketing, and environmental sustainability, it aims to empower women MSME owners and foster supportive networks. Through customized training, the project seeks to catalyze inclusive economic growth and environmental stewardship in Sri Lanka.

Growth-oriented women entrepreneurs seeking to expand their enterprises may require targeted assistance to take their businesses to the next level. Meanwhile, necessity women entrepreneurs often lack fundamental business understandings and need support to strengthen their foundations. By collaborating with various MSME development organizations, a broader network of women coaches can be established, enhancing knowledge and insights into women entrepreneurship, e-commerce, digital marketing strategies, and environmentally sustainable business practices. This partnership not only informs policies and strategies but also empowers other women led MSMEs through the guidance and expertise of the newly trained women coaches. Such collaborations foster a supportive ecosystem conducive to the growth and success of women entrepreneurs across different stages of business development.