Through its Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Indonesia, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is strategizing its support to Indonesia. The current CPS for 2020 – 2024 is to support Indonesia to emerge stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic by focusing on three strategic pathways: improving well-being, accelerating economic recovery, and strengthening resilience.
To implement the CPS, the ADB, via its Indonesia Resident Mission (IRM), conducts two annual exercises: the country programming mission (CPM) to plan a 3-year lending and non-lending program, and the country portfolio review mission (CPRM) to assess project performance, identify issues, and establish action plans. The 2023 CPM for the 2023-2026 program has been completed, and IRM is now aiding ADB teams in executing it. Additionally, IRM is preparing for the 2023 CPRM, which will address issues identified in the 2022 CPRM, such as project startup delays and procurement challenges related to local content requirements.
ADB commissioned MDF to support IRM’s country operations team in developing a general training program covering skills, knowledge and attitudes required to successfully implement projects. The training targets government staff new to ADB-funded projects, covering topics like project cycle, management, and reporting. The program will be delivered in cooperation with a well-established Indonesian training institution. Afterward, the aim is for this institution to continue running the training.
MDF is a worldwide operating training and consultancy organisation with over 40 years of expertise in international development. MDF specialises in designing and facilitating results-oriented learning processes and consultancy engagements across various sectors. Bridging theory and practice, MDF employs experiential learning cycles and a diverse array of participatory training and organisational assessment methods. The approach is inclusive, catering to different learning styles and encouraging active participation from all stakeholders in the learning and discovery journey.
MDF has extensive experience in conducting organisational and program assessments and providing capacity building for various international organisations. These include European Commission Delegations across all ACP states, ASEAN organisations, as well as UN organisations like RCO, UNICEF, and UNFPA. Additionally, MDF has collaborated with Indonesian government organisations such as Lemhannas, PU, KPK, Bappenas, Ministry of Finance, as well as civil society organisations (CSOs) and private sector actors.